Monday, October 1, 2007

Aizen Bleach Wallpaper

Aizen Bleach Wallpaper
Aizen Bleach Wallpaper


Mangaká Baka said...

He's Byakuya not Aizne-sama!

Unknown said...

That's Byakuya! NOT Aizen! -_- get the names right

xxlostinmymindxx said...

Ok this pic is SO not's Byakuya. -_-' whoever posted this pic didn't really know what they were posting. Just change the name to 'Byakuya' and it'll be fine

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

desde quando esse cara e o aizen???????

Unknown said...

wow noobs who can't label pictures properly

Unknown said...

Okies....this isn't Aizen. It's Byakuya Kuchiki! -_-;